Emotion & Memory
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Expert Testimony
TEDxSBU 2014! (Scroll down for speakers.)
Robyn DeLuca (The Good News About PMS)
Dean Miller (You Don't Want To Hear It (And That's A Problem))
Margaret Conover (A Cure For Plant Blindness)
Erik Callendar (Follow Your Dreams)
Nadia Jaber (Reimagining The Ph.D.)
Michael Poon (Improvement In Treatment For Acute Chest Pain Through Advanced Cardiovascular Imagining And Telemedicine)
Morgan DiCarlo (Using Mentorship And Hands-On Learning To Build The Next Generation Of Female Engineers)
Turhan Canli (Is Depression An Infectious Disease?)
Anurag Purwar (Machine Design Innovation Through Technology And Education)
Joe Schmidt (The Sounds Of The Didgeridoo, The World's Oldest Wind Instrument)
Sam Parnia (Erasing Death)[Video Not Available]
Tom Wilson (For The Record: The Importance Of Taking, Sustaining, And Preserving Critical Measures Of Environment And Climate)
Pooja Reddy (Connecting The Dots - And Being That Dot For Someone!)
Jeanette Yew (Challenging And Relevant: Reimagining Antigone)
Charlie Robbins (Social Justice: Is It Still Relevant In The 21st Century?)
Pre-conference lunch
Organizer Jennifer Adams
The end of a fantastic conference
World's greatest production crew